Responding to its growing International clientele, Sangaylay palace has a splendid cavalcade of multi-cuisine offerings on board, Representing the freshness and leisure-coated serenity with a complimentary gastronomic experience.
The rich Indian & foreign cuisine, prepared from original foodstuffs from the allover world, directed by top culinary masters, will contribute to the full experience of the beauty of Indian & continental food. Our Multi Cuisine Dining lets you choose from a full menu of remarkable Cuisines, from elegant to enchantingly casual. Whichever one you enjoy.
Sangaylay palace is A 3 Star Hotels, offering a full variety of distinct/personal services and amenities to meet your accommodation needs as you travel on business or leisure. One of the most preferred by the National/international tourists, the Sangaylay palace assures you of the highest standards in comfort, safety and cleanliness. Sangaylay palace welcomes you to a unique world of facilities and privileges. We at Sangaylay palace look forward to your comforts and conveniences. Here you are offered modern luxury and comfort, with a gentle and caring touch.